What is a nonmoving violation? A nonmoving violation is a traffic offence that breaks the law but is not linked to actual driving.
Nonmoving violations include a broken taillight, lack of vehicle maintenance, lack of insurance/registration, expired insurance, and parking in front of a fire hydrant.
Because CDL moving violations are not linked to the actual driving of motor vehicles, they are not considered severe offences. For this reason, the penalties for these violations are often more minor than moving violation fines, but they are not the same if you are on one of the giant trucks you can drive without a CDL in the United States!

Do Nonmoving Violations Affect Your CDL?
While nonmoving violations are not considered very serious, they can seriously affect your CDL.
So, if you have been thinking that nonmoving violations do not affect your CDL, you are very wrong. You could lose your commercial driving license when you get severely cited for nonmoving breaches, mainly when the violations occur within a short period.
And even if you do not lose your license, the fact that the violations will be on your record will negatively affect your insurance and reduce your likelihood of getting specific trucking jobs.
Do Nonmoving Violations Affect Insurance?
Generally, nonmoving violations do not affect your insurance. So, getting a parking ticket or a ticket for a broken taillight will not increase your insurance premium.
Difference Between Moving vs Nonmoving Violations
The moving violation indicates law violations that are not related to a moving vehicle, such as:
- Broken tail light
- Wrong parking
- Expired license
- Expired insurance
- No vehicle insurance
- Poor maintenance of the car, etc
These do not add points to your driving record and won’t affect your chances of getting a license or insurance. Whereas the nonmoving violation is any act breaking the rules when driving a vehicle, such as:
- Overspeeding
- Illegal turn
- Wearing no seatbelt when driving
- Driving when drunk
- Beeping the horn near schools and hospitals
- Breaking the signal
- Using a mobile while driving
- Stopping on a zebra-crossing, etc
For moving violations, the fine points are added to your driving record, affecting your chance of getting a license or insurance. Moreover, in both cases, you are bound to pay the fine. PRO TIPS: What do the laws say about pulling gooseneck trailers?
Do Parking Tickets Affect CDL?
No, it does not. Since getting a parking ticket comes under a nonmoving violation, the acceptable amount may vary from state to state, but it does not go on your driving records.
Moreover, as it does not pose you as a potential risk driver, you may not have to worry about the parking ticket leaving imprints on your clean record that can lead to losing your license altogether. As long as you clear your ticket bill, you should be able to enjoy driving privileges.
What are Nonmoving Violation Examples?
Nonmoving violation includes any rule that you break when not driving the car. It could be:
- Broken tail light
- No number plates
- Overloaded vehicle
- Wrong parking
- Expired driver’s license
- Expired car insurance
- Lack of maintenance, etc
Although the violation could be an unconscious act, you must clear the bill once you are fined. PRO TIPS: Can you drive a large semi-truck without a CDL certificate or pro license?
What are General Violation Fine?
General violations of the traffic rules consist of both moving and nonmoving violations. It covers anything from overspeeding, breaking the signal, and parking wrongly to failing to stop for a school bus or children.
Each US state charges a different acceptable amount for the general violation, but on average, you can expect to pay the following on a ticket:
- Basic Overspeeding- $135
- Improper load- $275
- Wrong turn- $135
- General parking violation- $75
- Seatbelt violation- $65
- Not stopping at the stop sign- $135
- Careless driving- $215.

Are These Same as CDL Violation Points?
CDL violation points are different from general violation points. CDL violation is an act of significant misdemeanour conducted by a driver with a Commercial Driver’s License. On the other hand, widespread violation refers to breaking the general rule of traffic.
CDL violations include:
- Number plate violation
- Equipment violation
- No log book
- Overloaded truck
- Wrong loading and unloading
- Safety defect
- No insurance/ Expired insurance, etc
You get penalty points for each fine, which may or may not be added to your driving record, depending on the nature of the infraction. PRO TIPS: Who can drive or become a UPS driver with a CDL and a regular driving license?
FAQ about CDL moving violations!
Do nonmoving violations affect driving records in Texas?
Yes, they do. In Texas and many other states, moving and nonmoving violations appear on your driving record, in many states, such as Florida and CA. Every offence or citation also adds points to your record; too many points can result in the suspension of your license.
What is the list of nonmoving violations in Texas?
The list of nonmoving violations in Texas is as follows:
- No insurance
- Expired driver’s license or insurance
- Driving with an invalid license
- Wrong parking
- Broken tail light
- Tinted windows and more.
What are nonmoving violations in California?
The nonmoving violations in California are the same as those in other states of the USA, which include:
- Expired vehicle registration, license, or insurance
- No registration, license, or insurance
- Parking in a handicapped spot
- Parking in a no-parking zone
- Broken tail light
- Tinted windows
- Defective tyres, brakes, or accelerator
- Damage windshield wipers
How can I lose my CDL?
You can lose your CDL in several ways. You can lose it when you operate a commercial vehicle under the influence when you use your car to commit a felony, when you flee an accident scene, or when you are involved in an accident that causes death.
Do you get points for non-moving violations?
Usually, you do not get demerit points for non-moving violations. But what exactly happens depends on the laws of your state. PRO TIPS: Is driving a 26000 LBS box truck with a regular driver’s license possible?
What is a nonmoving violation speeding ticket?
A speeding ticket is given for speeding, which is a moving violation. So, when you get a speeding ticket, you should expect harsher punishment than punishment for an equivalent nonmoving violation.
Summary of Do moving violations affect CDL?
Finally, do non-moving violations affect CDL? Non-moving violations generally don’t affect CDL. However, too many of them can lead to a CDL license being revoked.