How to Unlock a Uhaul Truck Without a Key

8 Min Read

Millions of people accidentally lock their keys in their U-Haul trucks every year. While newer models have features to prevent this, you might find yourself in this situation if you misplaced your keys. Thankfully, there are a few tricks you can try to regain access to your U-Haul without needing a locksmith.

What do I do if I lock my keys in the Uhaul truck?

While newer U-Haul models with transponder keys make accidental lockouts less likely, it can still happen. If you find yourself locked out, don’t panic! Depending on the urgency, you have a few options: calling a locksmith, using roadside assistance (if you have it), or contacting U-Haul directly. We’ll cover some DIY methods in the next section, but contacting a professional is often the quickest and safest solution.

Will the police unlock your Uhaul truck for free?

Remember, the safety of people and animals inside the vehicle is paramount. If a child or pet is trapped inside the U-Haul, call 911 immediately. Inform the dispatcher of the vehicle’s make, model, and your location. Police and fire departments are equipped to respond quickly in these emergencies. They may use specialized tools to unlock the door or break a window to gain access. While they won’t typically charge for this service, you’ll be responsible for any window repair costs.

Does AAA unlock your Uhaul truck?

If you have roadside assistance, like AAA, consider giving them a call. AAA memberships often include one free lockout service per year, so it’s worth checking. Just be prepared to wait, as roadside assistance can take 30 minutes or more to arrive. If you don’t have a membership or have already used your annual lockout service, expect to pay out of pocket for their help.

How do you unlock your Uhaul truck with keys inside?

While locksmiths and roadside assistance can be expensive, attempting DIY methods to unlock your U-Haul carries the risk of damaging the vehicle. These methods should only be attempted as a last resort, especially if the situation isn’t urgent. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable, contacting a professional is always the safest option.

However, if you’re patient, handy with tools, and absolutely need to get in, there are a few DIY tricks you can try!

Unlocking with a Smartphone App (New U-Haul Trucks Only):

Fortunately, for those who have rented a newer U-Haul truck, there’s a way to avoid the hassle of a lockout altogether. Many U-Haul trucks now offer smartphone apps that eliminate the need for a physical key. However, the key here is to download and pair the app with your U-Haul truck before you encounter a lockout situation. These apps essentially turn your phone into a second key fob, allowing you to lock, unlock, and even start the U-Haul truck remotely – a lifesaver if you tend to misplace your keys!

DIY Methods (Use with Caution!):

While locksmiths and roadside assistance can be expensive, there are a few DIY methods you can attempt to unlock your U-Haul truck without keys. However, it’s important to remember that these methods carry the risk of damaging the vehicle. Proceed with caution, especially if the situation isn’t urgent. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable attempting these methods, contacting a professional is always the safest option.

1. Shoelace or String Trick (Manual Locks Only):

If you find yourself locked out of an older U-Haul truck with manual locks and happen to have a shoelace or sturdy string on hand, you might be in luck. Here’s how to try this method:

  • Create a loop in the shoelace using a slipknot.
  • Insert the loop through the window seam on the driver’s side.
  • Move the loop back and forth in a sawing motion to snag the lock mechanism inside the door.
  • Once you’ve snagged it, gently pull the shoelace to unlock the door.

2. Coat Hanger Trick (Manual Locks Only):

This next method utilizes a wire coat hanger and a pair of pliers. Again, this trick only works on older U-Haul trucks with manual locks.

  • Use the pliers to straighten one end of the coat hanger, creating a hook.
  • Slide the hanger between the window and weather stripping.
  • Once the hook is inside, use it to manipulate the door’s lock mechanism and unlock it.

3. Bobby Pin Trick (Manual Locks Only):

In a pinch, some people attempt to unlock a car door with bobby pins. This method can potentially work on older U-Haul trucks with manual locks as well, but there’s a big caveat: it’s risky. Here’s why:

  • You’ll need two bobby pins. Bend one bobby pin at a 90-degree angle and slightly bend the tip of the other pin.
  • Insert the bent pin into the lock and the other pin straight in.
  • The goal is to move the second pin while holding the first one still, manipulating the pins inside the lock to unlock the mechanism.

4. Wedge Method (For All U-Haul Models ):

The wedge method is another option for unlocking a U-Haul truck, but it should be an absolute last resort. This method works on both older and newer models, but it can also cause significant damage to the vehicle. Here’s why:

  • You’ll need a curved or inflatable window wedge, and potentially a pry tool and a long, thin rod.
  • Partially pry open the top of the door frame, using extreme caution to avoid damaging the paint.
  • Insert the wedge to hold the door frame open.
  • Use a long rod, like a coat hanger, to try and press the unlock button inside the vehicle.

Remember, safety is paramount. If there’s any risk of damaging the vehicle or you’re unsure about this method, don’t attempt it. Call a professional or seek help from a friend who might be handy with tools.


Faced with locked U-Haul keys? Don’t fret! This guide equips you with options, but remember – prioritize safety! DIY methods offer budget-friendly solutions (think shoelaces or coat hangers!), but come with potential damage risks. If unsure or in a rush, call a pro like a locksmith or roadside assistance. Newer U-Haul models might even have a smartphone app for remote unlocking! By planning ahead, you can turn a locked U-Haul into a minor blip, not a major stop. Happy hauling!

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